Škoda Tour 2021 - Storno
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- Parent Category: History
- Hits: 25125
Dear Skoda friends.
More than a year of planning and organization for our Skoda Tour 2021 are now behind us. Actually it is time to send out the registrations, but after careful consideration and weighing of all eventualities, we have come to the decision that at the present time and the unplanned risks, it makes no sense to hold such an event.
In consultation with Czech Republic and some other members of the council, we announce with a heavy heart that the Skoda Tour 2021 is canceled!
About our reasons:
Since we expect that a large part of the foreign participants will stay away from the event due to the Corona situation, such an event cannot be carried out in the usual manner and quality. Furthermore, contracts and expenses are made in advance which cannot be complied with official restrictions. It can be a financial disadvantage for the participant as well as for us. Since nobody knows how everything will develop, whether the foreign participants are allowed to enter our country, whether hotels are allowed to open at all. Before the project ends in a disaster, we pull the emergency brake.
In consultation with the other participants of the council, we will discuss how to proceed with our meeting. We will keep you up informed.
With this in mind, we wish you everyone stays healthy, get through this Corona madness and I hope we will all see you again soon!
Your Skoda Club Zwickau
Jens Wille
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