Škoda Tour 2019 - Statistics
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- Parent Category: History
- Hits: 156500
Statistika / Statistics / Statistik - 7.4.2019
Škoda Tour 2019 - Application form
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- Parent Category: History
- Hits: 8352
Dear friends !
Here you will find the application form for the Škoda Tour 2019 which take place in the resort Darovanský Dvůr not far away from Pilsen.
Application form (37 kB),
Application form (368 kB),
Application form (280 kB),
Legend (241 kB)
Please complete the form and send it back by 3.3.2019.
We will send you both confirmation and the invoice by 31.3.2019.
Up-to-date information will be published on this Skoda Tour web page. Do not hesitate to ask us if you have any questions.
We are looking forward to seeing you again.
2019 (en)
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- Parent Category: History
- Hits: 7289
We wish you a Happy New Year full of health, laughter, peace and prosperity.
We are just finishing the application form for our meeting in Pilsen. The application is going to be set on the internet site as well as on FB on 11. 1. at 11:11. At the same time, we will send it to all whose email addresses are available.
We are looking forward to seeing you in June !
Josef, Martina, Karel, Martin and Jirka
Kære venner,
Vi ønsker jer et rigtig godt Nytår fuld af godt helbred, glæde og succes i året der kommer.
Vi er i gang med, at færdiggøre tilmeldingsmaterialet til vores træf i Plzen. Materialet vil blive tilgængeligt på hjemmesiden og på vores FB profil d. 11. januar kl. 11:11. Vi vil samtidig sende materialet til de e-mail adresser vi har registreret.
Vi glæder os til at se jer i juni!
Next Škoda Tour will be held from
22nd to 29th of June 2019 in Czech Republic. We are going to meet in the hotel Darovanský dvůr near the town of Pilsen.
Contact :
ÚAMK-Automotoklub Škoda
V.Klementa 839
293 01 Mladá Boleslav
Czech Republic
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
+420 606 615 370
Last info 2019 (en)
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- Parent Category: History
- Hits: 5213
Dear Škoda Friends!
Škoda Tour is going to start in a couple of days. We are looking forward to seeing you soon. To get safely to Škoda Tour, you can find approaching ways to Darovanský Dvůr below.
Leave the motorway D5 on the Exit 41 (Zbiroh), take the road no. 234 and past Borek, Lhota pod Radčem, Radnice and Břasy. From there follow the ŠKODA TOUR signs up to Darovanský dvůr. https://mapy.cz/s/3tdS9
Leave the motorway D5 on the Exit 62. Take the road no. 232 and past Litohlavy, Osek and Břasy. From there follow the ŠKODA TOUR signs up to Darovanský dvůr. https://mapy.cz/s/3tdSp
Take the road E49 (20) and turn to road no. 180 up to Třemošná. Past Chrást and take the road 233 to Břasy. From there follow the ŠKODA TOUR signs up to Darovanský dvůr. https://mapy.cz/s/3tdTl
Take the road no. 27 up to Kralovice and then take the road 232, past Kozojedy and getto Břasy. From there follow the ŠKODA TOUR signs up to Darovanský dvůr. https://mapy.cz/s/3tdTu
If you drive on a motorway in the Czech Republic please buy a vignette (sticker). The vignette is bought at border crossings, petrol stations etc.
The vignette in the CZECH REPUBLIC costs (for car up to 3,5 ton of weight):
- Annual (R) 1 500 CZK
- Month (M) 440 CZK
- 10-day (D) 310 CZK
is available in case of defect in the period from June 1st to July 15th. In such a case, please, contact the service on the phone no. +420 236 090 002 (or from Czech Net 800 600 000) and say the password ŠKODA TOUR.
In emergency, use one of the following telephone numbers in the Czech Republic:
- 112 Universal Emergency Call – use only if health or life is in danger
- 150 Emergency call – Fire Brigade
- 155 Emergency call – Life Rescue – First Aid - Ambulance
- 158 Emergency call – Czech Police (ČR)
There are a couple of vouchers (for free) available to see the Škoda Museum in Mladá Boleslav (including the factory) as well as to see the Ferdinand Porsche birth house in Vratislavice near Liberec. If you are interested to see the museums before coming to the Škoda Tour, please contact us to discuss the details.
Do not hesitate to contact us, if you have any questions.
We wish you a safe journey!
Martina, Karel, Martin and Jirka